Shirinkina, Alevtina Il'inichna

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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In the Rear

On the 1st of September of 1939 Nazi troops of Germany invaded in Poland suddenly. On the 3d of September England and France, which were connected with Poland by union obligations, entered in war against Germany. By the 10th of September the war to Germany had been declared by British (?) – Australia, New Zeeland, Canada and India, which was British colony that time. More and more countries were being involved in the war and it was impossible to stop it. The United States of America and The Soviet Union announced about their neutrality. Gradually the Second World War involved 61 states, which was 80 % of the population of the Earth and continued for six years. On the 22nd of June of 1941 the minister of foreign of the USSR announced about entry in the war.

‘ К печи паленья поднеси, Оладьи замеси, Трещат морозы на Руси, Морозы на Руси. Ах, Мама, ты едва жива- Не стой на холоду- Какая долгая зима В сорок втором году!

Лютей и снежнее зимы Не будет никогда, - Эвакуированы мы Из жизни навсегда.’

The events of 1941-45th will never be forgotten from the memories of those people, who went “the seven rounds of the hell” of the sever war. Sixteen-year-old boys went to the front to protect the Motherland and there faced the death! Bulat Ockudgava was among them, who had just finished school by that time.

‘ Ах, война, что же ты сделал, подлая: Стали тихими наши дворы, Наши мальчики головы подняли, Повзрослели они до поры, На пороге едва помаячили, И ушли за солдатом солдат… До свидания, мальчики! Мальчики, Постарайтесь вернуться назад!’

The life of those, who stayed in the rear, was not easy at all: huge responsibility was laid on them because they worked at factories in order to supply the front with all necessary things. Shirinkina Alevtina Iljinichna was about 16 years old when the Great Domestic War broke out. She lived in the city, called Kizel. Where the Machine Plant of Gorkij was removed from Kiev. And Alevtina Iljinichna went to work. The condition of the work was much to be desire, there was plywood instead of the walls. Although Alevtina Iljinichna and other workers suffered from unbearable cold, they did their best in order to help Russian solders. As a matter of fact, their aim was to produce the mines for ‘ Katjusha ‘. An eighteen year old girl manages to do plenty of different kinds of work and her payment was a loaf. As for people, who were disabled, they got only 300 gram of bread. Besides, some workers could get coupons and thus they could eat some hot soup. As for Alevtina’s brother, he was taken to front immediately and unfortunately, he died there. Her father went to front, as well. There were only her little sister and mother at home. Of course, they could not work and it meant that Alevtina might do her best to earn some money and survive. War means sufferings and a famine, no doubt. But young people did not lose their heart, they tried to entertain themselves, you see, that they went to “ dances “ in order to forget about a bloody war. But in the morning everything begins from the very beginning: mines, work shops and difficult work. Frankly speaking, everybody was eager to do the best in order to finish that war. Moreover, every person believed that he or she was a part of a huge organism and thus everyone was extremely important. Unfortunately, sometimes people got injuries at the plants and Alevtina was not an exception. She got her first injury at the beginning of the war because she was an inexperienced teenage girl. As a matter of fact, she cut her leg, to be exact and that was why she was made the master of a work shop. It is a well-known fact, that the twenty second of June is a holiday for all Russian graduates. Alevtina Ilyinichna was eager to become a geologist and study at the Kizel Mining College but her dreams broke. On the ninth of May in 1945 Germany capitulated. People all over the world celebrates the end of the Soviet Union’s participation in World War the second in Europe. Fathers and children came back to home and we will remember them. They are always in our hearts. As for Alevtina Ilyinichna, she was decorated for her labour and diligence.

Категория: Мы помним-2007(проект),,

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